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Three Streets in Brick Neighborhood to be Paved, Improved

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

Brick officials are soliciting bids for the repaving and improvement of three streets in a neighborhood off Van Zile Road.

The township council last week unanimously voted to seek bids for improvements to Red Maple Drive, Blue Spruce Place and White Pine Court. All of the streets are located in a neighborhood off Van Zile Road, roughly a block in from Burnt Tavern Road.

The project will consist of milling, base repairs, asphalt paving, the construction of ADA compliant ramps, sidewalk repairs, pipe repairs, and replacement of inlet grates and curb pieces.

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Replacements of existing concrete curbs, restoration, striping, tree trimming and “other miscellaneous works” will be included in the project, according to Councilman Vincent Minichino.

Before the work can begin, the township must analyze the bids, recommend one for award, and complete the contract. A pre-construction meeting will determine the dates of the project. Residents are notified beforehand.

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