Image from Wikimedia
Brick Township officials are planning to turn over three township-owned parcels of land to Habitat for Humanity, which will build designated affordable housing units on each.
Mayor Lisa Crate said each of the lots are vacant and will be developed with single-family homes. The properties are located at 658 Windsor Road, 533 Central Avenue and 226 Hawaii Drive. According to Ocean County land records, the three properties were acquired by the township through tax foreclosure proceedings that occurred on varying dates over the course of the last 20 years.
“All parcels are vacant and buildable lots,” said Mayor Lisa Crate, explaining that the properties would be turned over to Northern Ocean Habitat for Humanity at no cost “for the purpose of developing the properties for affordable, for-sale housing for low and moderate income individuals.”
Windsor Road is located south of Mantoloking Road; Central Avenue is located west of Old Hooper Avenue; and Hawaii Drive is located off Shorrock Street.
According to the enabling ordinance, the properties will be developed with single-family homes that comply with existing zoning for each parcel, and will then carry a deed restriction for 30 years that will retain the designation of affordable housing. Another deed restriction will give the township a right of first refusal on any sale of the properties during that 30 year period. The township would also have the first chance to buy back the properties after 30 years.
The ordinance will be subject to a public hearing at the March 25, 2025 township council meeting, which will be held at Civic Plaza, 270 Chambers Bridge Road (according to a public notice announcing the meeting location change).


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