The real estate development firm Brixmor, which owns the Laurel Square shopping center in Brick Township, has filed plans to locate new Starbucks and Chipotle locations at two outparcels on the site.
Laurel Square, anchored by Livoti’s Italian Market and At Home, is located between Route 70 and Route 88 in the northern portion of town. It was long home to the Pathmark supermarket and K-mart stores before each closed for good. The new restaurants will be constructed in two buildings: one which formerly housed the Provident Bank bank, and another which was home to FINS Tropical Cuisine, which several years ago moved up the highway to Point Pleasant.
The plan to convert the buildings is subject to the jurisdiction of the township’s planning board and a hearing must be conducted before the plans can be approved. The notice of that hearing, which will occur March 26, was published in the last several days.
As proposed, the former Provident Bank building would be converted to a 2,726 square foot Starbucks coffee shop with a drive through lane. The former FINS location would house a 2,780 square foot Chipotle restaurant – also with a drive-through lane – plus another as-yet-undetermined restaurant of 2,230 square feet.
The plan requires board approval due to setback regulations from Route 88 on the buildings – a pre-existing nonconformity – and another setback requirement specifically for restaurants. The owner is also seeking permission to place signage on more than three sides of the two buildings due to the presence of the drive-through lane. There are two other minor signage variances requested.
Chipotle already operates one restaurant in Brick at the Brick Plaza shopping center. Starbucks operates one location at 91 Brick Boulevard. The new plans would bring both to the north side of town.
The board will hear the plan at its March 26, 2025 meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.