/ 9 years ago2016 New Jersey Primary Election Results
Republican and Democrat voters in New Jersey cast their ballots for either Donald Trump, John Kasich and Ted Cruz, or Hillary Clinton...
/ 9 years agoOn The Trump Train? Brick GOP Looking for ‘Trump for President Team’ Volunteers
The Brick Republican Club is inviting all Brick residents to join its Trump for President Team...
Brick Life
/ 9 years agoThe Brick Woman Booted From Tinder Over Bernie Sanders Spam is Running For Office
Robyn Gedrich, the 23-year-old Brick woman who stirred a media controversy after she said she was kicked off the dating app...
/ 9 years agoDemocrats Outspent GOP Nearly 2-1 in Brick Council Race
Stunning fundraising numbers show reversal from traditional Ocean County trend...
/ 9 years agoComplaint Alleges Campaign Finance Violations by Brick BOE Slate
A complaint filed against a ticket of four candidates for Brick Township Board of Education alleges the candidates failed to file...
/ 9 years ago‘Ducey Team’ to Focus on Community Events, New Projects Following Election Sweep
Democrats retain majority of council in a nearly two-to-one landslide
/ 9 years agoFour New Members Elected to Brick BOE
Four new Brick Board of Education members were elected Tuesday night, in a sweeping victory that will change the board’s majority...
/ 9 years agoOcean County Freeholder, Clerk Incumbents Cruise to Victory
The decades-long winning streak for GOP candidates on the Ocean County freeholder board was upheld Tuesday night, as two incumbent Republican...
/ 9 years agoDemocrats Sweep Brick Council Race, No GOP Candidates Elected
Brick Township Democrats scored a major, sweeping victory in township council races Tuesday night, with the entire slate of Democratic candidates...
/ 9 years agoLIVE RESULTS: Brick Township Council, BOE Election
FINAL VOTE TALLY Red Signifies Winners Council: Pannucci – 3,477 Ebert – 3,765 Conti – 3,783 Bacon – 3,602 Zapcic – 7,201...