/ 10 years agoOrdinances, Mentoring and OC Sheriff Partnership Being Considered to Combat Maple Leaf Crime
The crime issues in Brick Township’s Maple Leaf Park development are “so insidious, and so deep-rooted, that we can’t just pull...
/ 10 years agoBrick Council Chooses Committee Members
Two weeks after selecting Councilman Paul Mummolo as council president and Heather deJong as council vice president, members of the governing...
/ 10 years agoBrick Council to Vote on Banning Residential Development at Foodtown Site
The Brick Township council is expected to vote Tuesday on a proposed ordinance that would ban residential housing from being built...
/ 10 years agoShore Lawmakers: Sex Offenders in State Custody Should Have Wages Reduced
A pair of Ocean County lawmakers say convicted sex offenders who are civilly committed, but not in prison, should be paid...
/ 10 years agoState Unsure of Route 35 Completion Date As Summer ’15 Work Plans Discussed
A harsh winter in 2014 created setbacks for the reconstruction of Route 35 along Ocean County’s northern barrier island, but even...
/ 10 years agoBrick MUA to Switch Water Additives, Reversing 2011 Change, to Combat Lead Issue
In 2011, the Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority switched the additive in the township’s water supply that was meant to coat...
/ 10 years agoBrick Council Makes Appointments to MUA, Zoning Board
The Brick Township council this week appointed three township residents to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment and one as...
/ 10 years agoBrick to Host Free Rabies Clinic Jan. 25; Pet Licenses Due In Jan.
Brick Township pet owners have two things to remember this month: the township’s free rabies clinic Jan. 25, and the required...
/ 10 years agoBrick May Try New Approach to Running Marina at Traders Cove
Brick officials are investigating the potential to outsource the marina at Traders Cove Marina and Park on Mantoloking Road. As it...
/ 10 years agoRestaurant Could Be Built at Traders Cove Under Brick’s Plan
A new restaurant with sprawling views of Barnegat Bay is a valuable prospect, and it’s one that Brick Township officials are...