Boating & Fishing
/ 4 months agoProject to Improve Parking, ‘The Wall’ at Inlet in Point Pleasant Beach Moves Forward
A project that is aimed at improving conditions along the Manasquan Inlet public access area and parking lot in Point Pleasant...
Brick Life
/ 4 months agoBrick ‘Park’ in Residential Neighborhood Unfeasible for Organized Sports
A tucked-away Brick Township-owned property located on a residential street where neighbors are already battling a proposal that they fear could...
/ 4 months agoThe ‘Car Wash-Dog Wash’ Idea Has Been Turned Down in Brick
A proposal to replace a former chain pizza restaurant with an automated car wash that would also include a dog-washing station...
/ 4 months agoPopular Waterfront Bar, Restaurant in Brick Looks to Expand and Upgrade
One of Brick Township’s most popular spots for food, drinks and dock-and-dine is seeking to make a portion of its waterfront...
/ 5 months agoBrick to Add Additional Bus for Senior Transportation
Brick officials this week unanimously approved the purchase of an additional bus for the Senior Service Department, which runs the township’s...
/ 5 months agoProposed Brick Office Building Changes Will Draw Objection From Neighbors
A proposal to modify the property of an office building on Hooper Avenue in Brick Township has drawn the ire of...
/ 5 months agoBridge Linking Brick, Wall Townships Reopens After Being Closed Since August
A brick that connects Brick and Wall townships – and by extension, Ocean and Monmouth counties – has reopened after a...
/ 5 months agoPaving, Drainage Project to be Completed in Brick Bayfront Neighborhood
A repaving and drainage improvement project in one of Brick Township’s bayfront neighborhoods will be completed following the approval of a...
/ 5 months agoBrick Finalizes Preservation of Property Where Six Home Development Was Planned
The Brick Township council has finalized the authorization of the purchase of a parcel of land off (Old) Hooper Avenue where...
/ 5 months agoReminder: Brick Municipal Offices Closed for Columbus Day, Public Works Pickups Delayed
Brick Township municipal offices will be closed Monday, Oct. 14 in observance of Columbus Day, officials announced. In addition, the township...