/ 7 years agoBrick Democrats, GOP Select Party Leaders
Brick’s Democratic and Republican organizations both elected municipal chairs and vice-chairs this week, party officials said. A highly-publicized contest between Mayor...
/ 7 years agoCouncilman: Brick Put Up Parking Regulation Signs Before The Regulations Existed
A parking lot at Brick’s Traders Cove Marina and Park will soon have a two hour time limit, but some visitors...
/ 7 years agoDeveloper Formally Proposes 92 Condos, Retail for Brick Plot; Hearing Date Set
A long-rumored plan to revive – on a somewhat smaller scale – a plan to develop the triangular plot of land...
/ 7 years agoFormer Running Mates in Rift Over Leadership of Brick Democrats
Mayor John Ducey and one of the township council members he first ran with in 2011 are now opponents, both seeking...
Brick Life
/ 7 years agoBrick to Purchase Buses for Senior Citizen Transportation
Brick officials have included in this year’s capital budget, approved at a recent council meeting, a bus that will be used...
/ 7 years agoNew Parking Regulations at Traders Cove Playground Proposed
Brick officials have proposed new parking regulations for the playground parking area at Traders Cove Marina, and are considering enacting the...
/ 7 years agoBrick to Sell Portion of Housing Authority Property
Brick officials have introduced an ordinance that would result in the sale of an affordable housing apartment building at its housing...
/ 7 years agoBrick Officials Tighten Regulations on Bank-Owned Properties
Continuing to crack down on a rash of bank-owned properties in town that have fallen into disrepair, the township council last...
/ 7 years agoBrick Proposes Two Locations for Future VA Clinic
Brick officials are urging the federal government to keep an outpatient facility within the township, and suggested two locations that would...
/ 7 years agoBrick Ordinance Would Require Landlords to Screen Tenants Prior to Rental
A new measure intended to compliment existing landlord responsibility ordinances in Brick would require property owners to perform a pre-rental background...