Brick Life
/ 8 years agoA Story, a Song, and a Kiss
He stands hesitantly at the door, my littlest love, watching as Justin and I rock gently back and forth on the...
Brick Life
/ 8 years agoChristmas Missives of Yore
Dear Family and Friends, I realize I’ve missed the window on the traditional Christmas missive, but since I’ve missed it for...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoVicari to Serve as Freeholder Director in 2017
Ocean County Freeholder Joseph Vicari will serve as the board’s director in 2017, keeping with tradition that a freeholder whose seat...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoRoad Study Kicks off in Four Northern Ocean County Towns
Four Ocean County municipalities will be the focus of a new study into the network of major roads, with a particular...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoRoute 88 Bridge to Undergo Maintenance This Week
The Route 88 bridge over the Point Pleasant Canal will undergo periodic openings this week, and could produce traffic delays...
Brick Life
/ 8 years agoIt’s Up to Them
Recently I penned a piece about my youngest son Zach, who is on the milder end of the spectrum. I wrote...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoLongtime Ocean County Legislator, Freeholder, Mayor Dies at 87
Ocean County officials were remembering a man who they said “poured over” proposed legislation and put his constituents first. Leonard T....
Brick by the Numbers
/ 8 years agoExhale
An open letter to Zach’s teachers, specialists, paras, principals, child study teams (and the gazillion other professionals who helped make him...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoOcean County Officials: We’re Not a ‘Sanctuary County’
Ocean County changed a policy in 2015 that set forth a detailed list of specific offenses for which officers at the Ocean County...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoAs Overdoses Skyrocket, High Schools Now Have Narcan on Hand
A testament to the strength of heroin’s grip on Ocean County – and the length to which officials are going to combat...