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Photos: Shorebeat/File Photos: Shorebeat/File


Brick Implements New Safeguards In Wake of Permit Fee Theft by Employee

Brick officials say they have implemented a slew of new safeguards to prevent theft following the discovery that the former recreation director...

Dakota County, Minnesota, Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation, Flickr images reviewed by FlickreviewR 2, Pages with maps, Photographs by Tony Webster, United States photographs taken on 2018-05-23


Brick Adopts Fee Range for New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Brick Township council members this week formally adopted a fee range for the township’s two new electric vehicle charging stations – an...

The property at Herbertsville Road and Maple Avenue under consideration for preservation, Nov. 2023. (Photo: Shorebeat)


Brick Accepts Land Donation At Busy Intersection

Brick Township has accepted the donation of a parcel of commercially-owned land at a corner of a major thoroughfare in the northern...

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