All posts tagged "“Autism Adulthood”"
Brick Life
/ 3 months agoThe Other Shoe
Three weeks ago, I had a surgery on my foot that I’ve been putting off for two years. I’ve been in...
Brick Life
/ 8 months agoAdult Autism Transition
In two weeks, my profoundly autistic son Justin, will graduate from the private autism high school he has attended since he...
Brick Life
/ 4 years agoAdulthood
Dear Justin, My dear boy, you’ve recently rounded the corner into adulthood, which is a still a difficult concept for...
Brick Life
/ 5 years agoThe Year it Begins
This is the year it all begins. My eldest son Justin, who is severely autistic and non-verbal, is turning seventeen in...
Brick Life
/ 6 years agoThe Home Stretch
My severely autistic teenager is rocking out to Baby Einstein on his DVD player as I make the phone call that...
Brick Life
/ 6 years agoMy Golden Years
I have a confession to make to all of you, although for those of you who know me, this won’t come...
Brick Life
/ 6 years agoTaking a Chance
“He sounds like such a man,” my friend said after hearing some deep guttural stims over the phone as we caught...
Brick Life
/ 8 years agoTry Something New
Ah, so much to share… We’re in week two of Justin’s first summer hiatus, and there have been regressions and challenges....
Brick Life
/ 8 years agoThe Weight of It
Today we ran into each other at the grocery store. We don’t know each other well, but our kids have been...
Brick Life
/ 9 years agoSpinning
My head is spinning. I’d like to tell you it’s for a fun reason, like when I used to be able...