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Brick by the Numbers

Brick Lifeguards Saved At Least 19 Lives This Season, Stats Show

A lifeguard stand at Brick Beach III. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

A lifeguard stand at Brick Beach III. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Brick Township’s lifeguards have called it a season, but not before rescuing 19 people from the ocean and assisting in more than 100 calls for medical assistance.

“The lifeguards handled every one of those incidents with success,” said Mayor John Ducey.

Each year, the township keeps track of how many times lifeguards have to perform a rescue or assist with another issue on the beach. The lifeguards protect swimmers at the township’s public beaches as well as the beaches of a number of private associations which reimburse the township for its services.

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Beach attendance was up this year, Business Administrator Joanne Bergin told Shorebeat last week, with 5,624 season badges and 20,032 daily badges sold. (More information to compare beach badge sales numbers to previous years is available by clicking on the link.)

For the 2014 beach season, Brick’s lifeguards and first responders:

  • Performed 19 water rescues.
  • Assisted 14 swimmers.
  • Responded to 167 medical calls at the beach.
  • Helped administer oxygen to three people.
  • Helped find 10 lost people.
  • Handled one incident of disorderly conduct.

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