No left turns onto Route 88 will be permitted from two streets in town under a new ordinance. (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Making a left turn onto Route 88 from two streets in Brick? No way, officials say.
It will soon become illegal to make a left turn onto the state highway from Adams and Washington drives, two streets that are adjacent to Midstreams Road. A gas station – Sunoco – is located at the corner of Mistreams Road and Route 88, and township officials say left turns onto the highway from the two adjacent streets have been deemed dangerous by the state Department of Transportation, which requested the local ban.
“There is a light right next to it and they would prefer if people came out on the side,” said Council President Susan Lydecker.
The ban on left turns from the local streets must be enacted by a local ordinance, which was introduced at Tuesday night’s township council meeting. A public hearing on the left turn ban will be held at the Dec. 30 council meeting before a required second vote is taken to finalize the ordinance.


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