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New ‘Habitat’ Program For Seniors To Benefit From Brick Funding

The Brick Township municipal complex. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Brick Township municipal complex. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Brick officials handed out checks totaling over $41,000 to local charitable organizations. The funding was provided by way of Community Development Block Grants through the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Under the CDBG program, the township is provided with funding to give to local organizations that fill a need in the community. This year, Northern Ocean County Habitat for Humanity was the primary benefactor, with the township providing $15,000 to the organization for one of its new programs, “A Brush With Kindness.”

A Brush With Kindness will consist of volunteers organizing to help senior citizens in need complete repairs to their homes. The object of the program is to allow senior citizens to remain in the homes they worked hard to maintain for many years, officials said. The $15,000 will be specifically used for projects in Brick Township, Mayor John Ducey said.

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Two programs combating hunger received a combined $13,500 in grant funding. Meals on Wheels, which provides meals to senior citizens, received $9,500 while Ocean County Hunger Relief, which operates 38 soup kitchens county-wide, received $3,000.

Other recipients included:

  • Dottie’s House, $3,500: Dottie’s House provides transitional housing for victims of domestic violence and their children.  These grant funds will help offset the operating costs for the transitional housing facility.  They may be reached at 732-295-7380.
  • Interfaith Hospitality Network, $3,000: There are times when families face becoming homeless because of personal, financial or medical reasons.  Interfaith Homeless Assistance provides a safety net program for Brick Township residents who face becoming homeless.  They may be reached at 732-370-1550.
  • Ocean’s Harbor House, $1,500: Ocean’s Harbor House provides free short-term shelter and crisis intervention for male and female youth ages 10-17. Any youth who is homeless, has runaway, been thrown away or abused, or is otherwise in need of immediate intervention may find help 24 hours a day at this safe haven. Their Shelter Services 24 Hours/Day Hotline is 732-929-0660 and their Outreach Center phone number is 732-929-4001.
  • The ARC Of Ocean County, $1,500: The Arc, Ocean County Chapter advocates for, provides supports and empowers children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families, ensuring they are accepted and valued as citizens of our community.  The Arc does this through vocational, recreational, family support, residential, transportation and primary medical care programs.  Their phone number is 732-363-3335 ext. 115.
  • Church of the Visitation Lunch Program, $1,236: The Church of the Visitation on Mantoloking Road hosts a community lunch on the third Wednesday of each month.  Lunches are free and available from 12pm-1pm.  For more information call 732-255-2835.
  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Ocean County, $1,000: Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Ocean County provides community and site-based mentoring services for young people throughout the county.  This year’s grant will help offset funds for Big Brothers to start a mentoring program in Brick’s elementary schools.  They may be reached 732-905-5349.
  • Boy Scouts of America, Jersey Shore Council, $1,000: Jersey Shore Council, headquartered in Toms River, serves more than 6,000 young people in four Jersey Shore counties.  It is among the largest youth serving organizations in the state of New Jersey led by approximately 2,000 volunteers. More than 100 community organizations, representing educational, religious, non-profit, civic, and business organizations join in partnership with Jersey Shore Council by chartering 200 Scouting units (packs, troops, teams, crews, posts and groups).  The Boy Scouts will use these funds to provide scholarships for low- to moderate-income kids in Brick to attend their summer camp program. For more information visit

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