Detours will be in place on a busy road in Lakewood while a culvert is replaced starting late this spring.
The Ocean County freeholders are expected to approve bid solicitations for the replacement of the culvert on Miller Road next week. The culvert – a pipe-like structure that allows water to flow under a road – is being replaced in order to alleviate flood concerns on the road, which runs from Central Avenue to Hope Chapel Road.
The project also includes modifications to the geometry of the roadway to ensure that it meets current state and federal standards, county officials said. Sight distances and roadway banking will be improved for the added safety of motorists.
“It is a very important road for the Lakewood community because there are a dozen schools and yeshivas who use this as a bus route and walking route,” said Frank Scarantino, the county engineer.
The culvert area takes up about 675 linear feet, and will be half-buried to allow fish passage, Scarantino said.
“Replacing the existing culverts with a single 4 foot by 4 foot concrete box culvert will provide for a much needed improvement for this roadway,” said Freeholder Jack Kelly, who is liaison to the Ocean County Engineering Department.
Construction is planned to start in late spring and be completed by the end of summer. Scarantino said Lakewood police have approved detours that will be put into place during construction, since the roadway will have to be closed at certain points.