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Brick Council to Consider $8M in Bonding for Capital Program

The Brick Township municipal complex. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Brick Township municipal complex. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Brick officials are scheduled to vote Tuesday night on the township’s annual capital improvement program, which will consist of $8,075,000 in bonding.

The council will sell bonds that will come due in five, seven, 10 and 15 years, according to a copy of the proposed bond ordinances. If approved, approximately $3.7 million of the funding will go toward various road improvements, $566,019 will go toward the acquisition and installation of data processing and technology equipment for township departments and $59,736 will go toward curb, sidewalk and concrete improvements.

Another $3.6 million will fund building and grounds improvements, recreational parks improvements at existing parks and beaches and drainage improvements in various areas of the township.

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The capital program will be up for an introductory vote at Tuesday night’s council meeting; a second vote following a public hearing will take place at a future meeting, likely the council meeting that follows Tuesday’s.