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Brick Hopes to Expand Airport Tract Bike Path

Funding would connect trail near two main roads in town

Credit: Google Maps

Credit: Google Maps

Brick Township has applied for state funding that would allow for the expansion of the Airport Tract bike path.

The proposed expansion would increase the length of the path by 1.08 miles, and connect the path near Hooper Avenue to Cherry Quay Road, plus allow bicyclists to transit through Angela Hibbard Park to the main trail.

The township is requesting $204,350 from the state’s Bikeways program to expand the path.

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Brick has previously been successful in obtaining Bikeways grants to expand its paths. In 2013, the council used the grant to fund a $168,623 project that expanded the trail by a half-mile to the Seawood Harbor neighborhood and created new access points.

Brick maintains two bicycle trails – the Airport Tract trail in the southern portion of town and the Sawmill Tract trail in the northern portion of town. Township officials have said their long-term desire is to continue to expand the Airport Tract trail all the way to the Mantoloking Bridge, allowing for easier bicycle access to the barrier island and beach areas.

The 273 acre Airport Tract was purchased by the township in 1998, according to the Brick Township Historical Society.