Using a grant from Comcast Corporation, Brick Township’s council chambers will soon be outfitted with an upgraded system for recording official meetings and streaming them online.
The township council voted Tuesday night to go out to bid on a new multi-camera and DVR system to provide programming for BTV, the township’s local cable access channel, as well as the streaming section of the township’s website. The contract calls for the cameras and DVR system as well as bulletin board technology, a video server and video on-demand technology.
The system we have is antiquated and at the end of its useful life, said Council President Paul Mummolo.
A new system will allow the township to save money annually by eliminating two contracts with Telview and Granicus, worth a combined $20,000 per year, Mayor John Ducey said. Granicus provides the video server technology to stream content from the township website, but the new system will allow Brick to stream using an in-house server.


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