Brick Township author and blogger, Lisa Begin-Kruysman, will head to Chandler, Arizona to be part of a writing professional panel at the Eighth Annual BlogPaws 2016 Conference on June 23rd.
BlogPaws is a pet-friendly, 3-day conference presenting educational sessions, brand events, and influencer interactions, attracting over five-hundred Pet Blogging and Social Media news makers, and their pets, from across the nation and beyond. Gold sponsor, PetSmart, will be hosting a variety of fun pet-centric on-site activities.
At the BlogPaws Conference, Begin-Kruysman will share her experience as the biographer of Captain William Lewis Judy, the man who established National Dog Week in the 1920s as well as four additional titles she has written, each celebrating the human-canine bond. In 2015, her book Dog’s Best Friend:Will Judy Founder of National Dog Week and Dog World Publisher was nominated for a Maxwell Medallion by the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA). The author has maintained a pet-centric blog for six years and recently curated an on-line exhibit for the Animal History Museum physically headquartered in Los Angeles.
Begin-Kruysman looks forward to continuing her work on behalf of the National Dog Week Movement and to promote this year’s NDW theme – “Readers Unleashed: Promoting Literacy with K-9s” complete with a beautiful vintage-inspired logo inspired by the work of Captain Judy. She will also share publishing and crafting tips with aspiring authors, including how to work with literary agents and editors and how to prepare Non-Fiction proposals that publishers will want to acquire, all based on her personal experience.
According to Begin-Kruysman, “In the mid 1930s, Will Judy helped to create the DWAA to establish dog-writing as a distinct profession. For me, Blog Paws is doing something similar for on-line pet writers and those who promote their pet businesses through the use of Social Media in the 21st century. It is extraordinary opportunity, something I could only dream about five years ago.”
In Arizona, the author will attend several workshops and sessions, one with syndicated pet radio show host, Steve Dale who is one of the event’s Featured Speakers. Dale will help attendees master SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – an important component to attracting readers and followers for on-line writers, authors and those with any business.
It is estimated by the American Humane Society that nearly 80 million American Households contain pets, and many of these individuals consider their pets as family members. It is also widely reported that Americans spend over 50 billion dollars a year on pet care and supplies.
“Ultimately, those of us attending and speaking hope to unite in our love of pets and help each other to increase our business presence in the rapidly expanding world of pet-loving consumers and to make the world better for our Companion Animals,” says Begin-Kruysman
To learn more about the author and her work, visit: