Every year around this time I try to do a post where I list all the things I’m thankful for, then admonish myself to reflect on these things more often, then forget to do that, then eat more chocolate to compensate.
I am, as always, a work in progress.
I am delighted to say that even in the midst of some challenging times with Justin I’ve found some things I’m truly grateful for, and am not just paying lip service to Thanksgiving.
I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. For some of you I know this day is more about stress than fun- my hope for you is that at least you can find several moments of joy, some great food (if you have to escape early make sure your families pack up some pie for you), and at least a bit of peace.
And if all else fails, remember there is always wine.
Here are my reasons for gratitude this holiday:
-Despite our challenges at home, both boys are doing great in school. Honestly glad Justin saves it for us
-Grateful for my family and friends, who just get it
-Am grateful for other bloggers’ perspectives, both autistic and NT
-Profoundly grateful for the boys’ compassionate and understanding teachers and paras
-Grateful for Zach’s incredibly patient baseball coach
-Thankful for the community who helps my kids (more than a mere village I promise)
-Grateful I married the right guy the first time (God it makes things easier)
-Profoundly grateful for my readers and all their encouraging comments
-As always, thankful for my loves, chocolate and wine
-Grateful for Justin’s words and our sing-alongs!
-Thankful I still (albeit briefly) manage to make time to revel in every one of their accomplishments
– Grateful for my boys, my hubbie, and our life together
Happiest of Thanksgivings to all!
For more on my family visit my blog at autismmommytherapist.wordpress.com
Follow me on Facebook at Autism Mommy-Therapist