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Brick BOE Policy Will Allow Students to Use Medical Marijuana in School

Marijuana (Photo: Katheirne Hitt/Flickr)

Marijuana (Photo: Katheirne Hitt/Flickr)

Students whose disabilities qualify them to use medical marijuana will soon be allowed to do so in Brick Township school, buses and school-sponsored events.

The Board of Education last week introduced a medical marijuana policy that will govern how students qualify and are administered medical marijuana. The policy is in response to a state law passed in 2015 that requires districts to enact policies that allow the administration of medical marijuana to students.

Under Brick’s pending policy, a student who qualifies would not be able to self-administer medical marijuana. According to the policy, the student’s primary caregiver would be called to administer the substance on school grounds, on the school bus or at school sponsored activities. Administrators and school nurses would be responsible for verifying that a student is registered with the state Department of Health and approved to receive marijuana and meet with parents or guardians to draw up an individualized health care plan. On school grounds, marijuana would be administered in the nurse’s office unless the plan calls for an alternate location.

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Students, under the policy, would not be able to carry the marijuana on their person or take it on school buses. Marijuana would have to be stored by a caregiver off school grounds. 

“It shall be the sole responsibility of the primary caregiver to maintain and administer the medication,” the policy states.

The policy was approved last week with all but one school board member, Sharon Cantillo, voted in favor of it. The policy must be passed on second reading before it is enacted.