Any residents interested in serving as a member on one of the township’s various boards or committees should send an email with a resume and cover letter to Mayor John Ducey by Dec. 14, officials said Thursday.
Each year, the mayor appoints residents to a number of boards and committees as part of the township’s reorganizational meeting. This year, seats on several are available, including:
- Environmental Commission – is responsible for the protection, development and use of natural resources, including water resources located within the township.
- Brick Township Housing Authority – The Brick Housing Authority administers both a public housing and Section 8 housing voucher program.
- Historic Preservation Commission – works to encourage the use, restoration and preservation of historic structures in Brick Township.
- Sustainable Brick – works with the township staff to create and support policies, events and activities that support and encourage sustainability.
- Board of Adjustment – primary function is to review and decide on applications for a variance.
- Ethics Committee – receives and reviews ethical questions or complaints alleging that the conduct of any local government officer or employee serving the municipality is in conflict with the Code of Conduct, or applicable ethical standard.
- Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority – The BTMUA is responsible for delivering clean, safe potable water and reliable sewage collection services to customers.
“These boards not only play an important role in shaping our community, they offer citizens the opportunity to give back and help move Brick Township forward,” said Ducey. “I encourage any person interested in serving our community to send their resume to my office this week. Every person will be considered and we will make every effort to make sure everyone who would like to serve has the opportunity to do so.”
Resumes and cover letters should be emailed to no later than 5 p.m. on Dec. 14. While efforts will be made to place citizens on requested boards, it will not be possible in all instances due to availability, according to the mayor.


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