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Portion of Senior Community’s Main Road to Become ‘One Way’

Winding River Village, Brick, NJ (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Winding River Village, Brick, NJ (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Brick officials introduced an amendment to the township’s traffic code this week, following requests from residents of Winding River Village to make a portion of the development’s main road a one-way street.

Skyline Drive, which rings the community, will be made a one-way street – southbound and northbound – at each side of the traffic triangle which ends at Marina Lane.

Skyline Drive at Marina Lane, Winding River Village. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Skyline Drive at Marina Lane, Winding River Village. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

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“It is currently being used as a one-way, however there is no sign stating as such,” said Council President Heather deJong. “Residents know it is a one-way, but occasionally visitors do not.”

deJong said the township will install stop signs, yield signs and one-way signs to direct motorists.

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