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Brick Beach I to Reopen Saturday

Beach replenishment in Normandy Beach, June 13, 2018. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Beach replenishment in Normandy Beach, June 13, 2018. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Brick Beach I will reopen to the public Saturday, township officials said.

The beach has been closed most of the week as the ongoing beach replenishment project makes its way northward. But crews from Weeks Marine, the federal government’s contractor, will have completed enough of the project so the public beach can be reopened. Beachgoers will see a widened beach and a large hill which represents what will eventually be a vegetated, protective dune. Dune grass is usually planted in the fall.

“All of Brick’s public ocean beaches will be open for the remainder of the season and throughout the project,” the township said in an announcement. “Please be advised that construction will still be taking place on the barrier island and that there may be some minor inconveniences.”

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