The popular Beacon 70 restaurant in Brick is looking to add an outdoor area plus additional parking spaces, documents filed with the township said.
The restaurant, which opened in 2017, is ready to expand. According to planning board documents, Beacon 70’s owners are seeking amended site plan approval with bulk variances for the purpose of providing additional on-site parking (18 additional parking spaces), and construction of an outdoor eating area off the rear of the existing restaurant.
The documents state that the restaurant will seek a variance to permit 187 parking spaces whereas 169 currently exist, and 320 are required, provide rear yard setback of 42.3 feet whereas 50 feet is required, 18 and 19 foot access isles whereas 25 feet is required, and parking stall size of 9 ft. x 18 ft. whereas 10 ft. x 20 ft. is required. The parking plan – as it currently exists – was already approved by township officials since the restaurant takes up a pre-existing plot.
The board will hear the application at its Aug. 28 meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex.