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Brick Announces Road, Drainage Improvements for Several Streets

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

A newly-paved road. (Credit: Alan Levine/Flickr/File Photo)

Brick Mayor John Ducey on Tuesday night announced new repaving and drainage improvement projects on several streets across town.

The township council unanimously voted in favor of soliciting bids for Lawrence Drive and Old Silverton Road. The project was funded in last year’s capital budget, but is being bid out now since asphalt plants are poised to reopen soon following the winter season.

The project will include milling, base repair, asphalt paving, replacing inlet grates and curb pieces, plus the installation of new curbs in locations where they are needed.

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Ducey also announced the third phase of Riviera Beach road improvements. The Herbertsville neighborhood has been the site of numerous road improvements over the course of the last year and this phase will complete the project. The contract for paving and improvements was awarded to Meco Inc. for $286,306.

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