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Large Mantoloking Road Plot, Small Baywood Property May be Preserved

Mantoloking Road, looking toward an 8.2-acre piece of land under consideration for open space preservation. (Photo:Daniel Nee)

Mantoloking Road, looking toward an 8.2-acre piece of land under consideration for open space preservation. (Photo:Daniel Nee)

Brick township council members on Tuesday night passed a resolution supporting Ocean County’s acquisition of a sizable plot of land along Mantoloking Road to be preserved for open space, while passing an ordinance accepting a separate parcel of land donated to the town by a property owner.

The 8.2 acre Mantoloking Road property under consideration for county acquisition is located at 226 Mantoloking Road and consists of three lots – a quarter-acre vacant parcel, a 1.70-acre parcel with an existing abandoned home and a 6.25-acre undeveloped wooded area. The properties are located on the north side of the roadway between Quail Run and Tilton Road. On the opposite side of the roadway in the middle of the area is Tern Drive.

The council supported the acquisition of land as part of a customary process utilized by the county – ensuring a preservation purchase passes muster with municipal officials. The price of the three plots was not included in the resolution, but will not be paid out of Brick Township’s coffers. The prospective purchase will be funded through a county-wide open space tax.

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The purchase prices of such preservation plots are generally revealed and voted on at meetings of the county freeholder board.

A separate, small plot of land has been gifted to the township by owners Edward and Monique Faktor. That property, according to tax records, is a 50-by-100 foot lot located along Capri Drive off Baywood Drive.

“This is a non-buildable lot so it is not currently generating tax revenue,” said Council President Lisa Crate.

Crate also said since the property is located in a flood zone and is being preserved, it helps earn Brick “points” in the FEMA Community Rating System, a mechanism used to calculate discounts on flood insurance premiums township-wide.