Brick officials say plans for the forthcoming Senior Center are moving along and construction is expected to begin in the beginning of 2022.
The Senior Center, long located in a leased portion of the Brick VFW post on Adamston Road, will move to a permanent location in a township-owned building on Aurora Drive, just off Cedar Bridge Avenue, under the township’s plan. Announced last summer, the former Brick Volunteer EMS building will house the senior center. The township dedicated $1 million toward the renovation of the building in its capital budget for 2021, which includes the capability for the building to also serve as an alternative base for current EMS vehicles.
With the funding and some initial legal wranglings completed, officials are beginning to get to work on the project.
“We came across an unexpected situation with the roof trusses that called for a need to consult with a structural engineer,” explained Business Administrator Joanne Bergin. “That set us back a bit, but is very necessary for the renovation. I hope we can begin construction in early 2022.”
A sign was recently placed in front of the building to promote its future as a senior center, slated to open next year.
In 2019, Brick sued to gain control of the building, which is situated between Duquesne Boulevard and Cedar Bridge Avenue, following the 2014 disbandment of the Brick Volunteer EMS organization, which remained technically active even after it no longer provided medical services. The building was constructed on township land by the Breton Woods Fire Company in the 1970s and transferred to the volunteer EMS squad in 2002 for $1, but the township successfully argued that ownership should revert back to the municipal government because it was no longer being used for its intended purpose.


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