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Brick to Add Two NJ Transit Bus Shelters to Popular Stops

An NJ Transit bus shelter in Atlantic City. (Credit: 7beachbum/ Flickr)

An NJ Transit bus shelter in Atlantic City. (Credit: 7beachbum/ Flickr)

A pair of NJ Transit bus stops in Brick Township will soon keep riders out of the elements following a vote of the township council Tuesday night.

Officials said residents of the Chambers Bridge Residence and Brick Township Housing Authority – apartment communities that serve senior citizens and disabled adults – often use bus transportation and recently inquired as to whether a shelter of some sort could be added to protect themselves from the elements.

“We’ve had a number of residents request bus shelters for both coming and going,” said Mayor John Ducey. “It can raining, pouring, snowing and there’s no shelter there. We made an immediate request to New Jersey Transit, and this authorizes an agreement with NJ Transit.”

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In New Jersey, the statewide bus system sets aside funds each year for the construction of shelters at existing stops, but municipalities must signal their interest and apply. Brick did so, received approval, and authorized the installation of the shelters via resolution.

Both shelters will be installed along Chambers Bridge Road. One will be installed near the entrance to the Housing Authority complex at Chambers Bridge and Ovation Way. The second shelter will be installed on the opposite side of the road, serving passengers traveling in the opposing direction. That bus stop is located near the entrance to the U.S. Post Office on Chambers Bridge.

“It will be a much better situation in bad weather,” said Ducey.

The township, having passed the resolution, will now confer with NJ Transit officials on the purchase and installation of the shelters.

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