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Smoothie King With Drive-Through Gains Approval in Brick, Despite Traffic Concerns

A proposed Smoothie King location in Brick, N.J. (Credit: Planning Board Exhibit)

A proposed Smoothie King location in Brick, N.J. (Credit: Planning Board Exhibit)

A local franchise of an international chain of smoothie drive-through restaurants has gained approval in Brick Township despite concerns about its location on Chambers Bridge Road directly opposite the shopping center that includes the busy Shop-Rite and Kohl’s stores.

Following a hearing that lasted the course of three meetings of the township’s planning board, its members ultimately voted to allow the small business to be constructed after a traffic study was conducted by the applicant, Humza Tanvir, who already owns six Smoothie King franchises across the state. Tanvir previously testified that the location he chose fits with Smoothie King’s target business environment and would be small enough to have no noticeable impact on traffic. But board members requested a formal traffic study be submitted and subject to scrutiny by township professionals and the public.

The residential home at 129 Chambers Bridge Road proposed to be demolished in favor of a Smoothie King restaurant. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The residential home at 129 Chambers Bridge Road proposed to be demolished in favor of a Smoothie King restaurant. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

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The Brick location is planned for 129 Chambers Bridge Road, directly opposite the traffic signal that allows vehicles to turn left into the Shop-Rite parking lot. The lot is currently occupied by a residential home that was sold in June 2021. Tanvir proposed demolishing the existing residential dwelling and wooded area and constructing the Smoothie King restaurant with a drive-thru facility, plus the addition of landscaping, lighting and accompanying site amenities.

The restaurant will measure just 1,069 feet in area, about the same as a studio apartment, representatives testified, and while the building will be located across from a traffic light at the Kohl’s plaza, its entrance is located a short distance west of the end of the turning lane and, according to traffic engineers, outside of the most congested area.

The traffic study, embedded at the end of this story, states the restaurant is projected to generate 20 entering trips and 19 exiting trips during the weekday midday peak hour, 14 entering trips and 14 exiting trips during the evening peak hour, and 22 entering trips and 22 exiting trips during the Saturday peak hour that are “new” to the adjacent roadway network.

Access to the site will be provided via a new right turn in-right turn out driveway along Chambers Bridge Road at the northern end of the property.

“The adjacent road system “will not experience any significant degradation in operating conditions with the construction of the project,” the study’s author concluded, and holding that the location is sufficient in its support of both local, county and state zoning and planning regulations.

The residential home at 129 Chambers Bridge Road proposed to be demolished in favor of a Smoothie King restaurant. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The residential home at 129 Chambers Bridge Road proposed to be demolished in favor of a Smoothie King restaurant. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

A formal objection came from two brothers who own a residential home in back of the property. Their attorney, Charles P. Tivenan, told board members at the hearing that he believes the report signifies that there will be additional traffic which could lead to backups and the queuing of vehicles on Chambers Bridge.

“As much as you are able to listen to the flowery recommendations of the experts hired by the applicant, I think there are going to be problems,” Tivenan said.

The application was approved in a 7-2 vote.

Read the Traffic Impact Study

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