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Midstreams School Cleared to Use Township Property for New Parking Lot

Midstreams Elementary School. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Midstreams Elementary School. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Parking woes at Midstreams Elementary School will be mitigated by plans to construct a new parking area on a neighboring property owned by Brick Township.

The township council on Tuesday night authorized a deed of easement to be granted to the school district that would allow the parcel, consisting of 24,573 square feet of land, to be utilized for the construction of a new parking lot. The township-owned property does not have a formal address, but is marked on tax maps as block 902, lot 5, bordering the school property.

Midstreams Elementary School. (Credit: Google Maps)

Midstreams Elementary School. (Credit: Google Maps)

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While the township council was meeting at town hall, the Board of Education was holding its own meeting at the central office. At that meeting, board members approved a resolution awarding a $655,012 contract to S. Batata Construction, of Parlin, Middlesex County, to build the lot.

The ordinance approving the use of the land was passed on second reading Tuesday night before the council. No members of the public offered comments on the measure.

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