Document Shredding (Credit: liz west/ Flickr Creative Commons)
The Ocean County Department of Solid Waste Management’s Residential Document Shredding Program will visit the Brick Public Works Recycling Center, 836 Ridge Road, on Saturday morning, providing free document shredding services for county residents.
The event will be held Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon.
The event will be open for the allotted time or until the truck fills. All documents will be destroyed confidentially on-site.
The event is open to residents only – no businesses. The truck accepts paper items only, a maximum of five file boxes or clear bags (no black bags). Loads containing unacceptable items may be rejected. Those who participate are asked to stay in their vehicles at all times.
No books, junk mail, greeting cards, photos, x-rays, cd’s, batteries or electronics will be accepted.