Brick Township has adopted an ordinance setting forth electric vehicle charging and parking requirements for new construction, largely to fulfill state land use code requirements as a result of several new statutes and an executive order issued by Gov. Phil Murphy.
The ordinance, adopted last week, follows state-mandated language. It requires either the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, or parking spaces with pre-wiring for future charging technology, in several commercial and multifamily housing zones. It also allows the inclusion of charging stations of pre-wiring (known as a “make-ready” space) as a permitted accessory use in all zones.
Newly-built single-family homes will not be required to include the chargers or make-ready spaces, however residential properties with five or more dwelling units – including condominiums and co-ops – will be mandated to include pre-wiring in at least 15 percent of proposed off-street parking spaces. Of that 15 percent, one-third will be required to include a full charging system, including cables, connectors and switching equipment. The requirements will also apply to mixed-use properties.
Additionally, properties in all other zones, such as commercial, industrial or medical zones, will be required to provide at least one make-ready space if there are 50 parking stalls or fewer, two spaces for 51-75 stalls, three spaces for 76-100 stalls and four spaces for 101-150 stalls. In cases where there are more than 150 spaces required or proposed, 4 percent of the spaces must be set aside as “make-ready” with pre-wiring. Of those spaces, 5 percent must be additionally set aside as EV handicap spaces. Property owners can also choose to install working EV charging stations in lieu of the “make-ready” spaces with paid chargers.
The spaces must be accompanied with regulatory signage, time limits, tow-away provisions, fees and a contact number for drivers to report outages.
Businesses with 25 or fewer spaces, as well as single-family homes, are not obligated to provide any EV spaces.
A full copy of the ordinance, as adopted, is embedded below: