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Brick Public Works Collections Resume Tuesday, Council Meeting Tonight (Dec. 27)

The Brick Township Public Works facility on Ridge Road. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Brick Township Public Works facility on Ridge Road. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

With Christmas having fallen on a Sunday this year, the holiday was observed Monday for Brick Township employees.

As is nearly always the case with holidays, recycling and garbage pick-ups will be delayed one day all week. For example, Monday’s pickups will be collected today and the rest of the week will follow.

New Year’s Day is also a legal holiday in Brick Township, therefore next week’s collections will, likewise, be moved one day forward.

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A regularly-scheduled township council meeting is also being held Tuesday, Dec. 27 at 7 p.m. at the township municipal complex. The agenda can be found here. Tuesday night’s meeting will be the final meeting of the year.

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