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Brick Approves Minor Subdivision Along Drum Point Road

The property at 461 Drum Point Road, Brick, N.J., to be subdivided. (Credit: Google Earth/Planning Documents)

The property at 461 Drum Point Road, Brick, N.J., to be subdivided. (Credit: Google Earth/Planning Documents)

Brick Township’s planning board last week approved an application to subdivide a residential parcel on Drum Point Road into two pieces of property.

The board voted in favor of granting a subdivision to the owner of 461 Drum Point Road, who was seeking permission to divide the plot in half so two residential homes could be constructed. The property is located within the R7.5 zone, which calls for residential development on lots of 7,500 square feet.

The property at 461 Drum Point Road, Brick, N.J., to be subdivided. (Credit: Google Earth/Planning Documents)

The property at 461 Drum Point Road, Brick, N.J., to be subdivided. (Credit: Google Earth/Planning Documents)

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The property is currently developed with a single-family home and a detached garage, with a gravel driveway connecting frontages it shares between Drum Point and Bay Oak Drive. The proposal called for the removal of the garage

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