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Brick Planning Board Meeting Canceled Wednesday, Council Meeting Set for Tuesday

The Brick Township municipal complex, 2023. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The Brick Township municipal complex, 2023. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Brick Township has canceled its planning board meeting that had been scheduled for Wednesday, the township announced Monday.

A notice from the township said the next meeting of the planning board will be held July 12, and no further legal notice is required for the announcement.

The township council meeting Tuesday night will go on as scheduled, however. According to an agenda, the governing body will take up a number of routine items such as the award of contracts for street repaving projects, the replacement of five police cars, and renew the lease for Oscar’s Pizza at Civic Plaza.

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The council will also consider an ordinance that would provide for the sale of township-owned land at 1707 Route 88 to Homes Now Inc., which provides affordable housing options, often to senior citizens and disabled residents. Shorebeat will report a full story on the land sale following the meeting.

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