The Breton Woods property where 59 homes have been proposed as part of a new development, Dec. 2022. (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Brick Township has received confirmation that the state will fund $1.2 million toward the purchase of the Breton Woods property that was preserved by the county and municipal governments after a proposal to build 59 homes there drew significant anger from residents and environmentalists.
The funding is good news for Brick taxpayers, who would have been responsible for $1,710,000 of the $8,550,000 purchase of the 31-acre parcel, which had been owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton by way of Visitation Parish. Mayor Lisa Crate said this week that the state would contribute $1.2 million, paring the township’s obligation toward the purchase price to just $510,000.
The wooded property, located off Laurel Avenue and Drum Point Road, will remain in its natural state, except for a small six-acre portion carved out by the township where a playground will be built. The playground will be located near Osbornville Elementary School, but will be a public playground operated by the township.
A closing on the property between the township, county and D.R. Horton, the Texas-based developer that was the contract purchaser of the land from the diocese, was set to be finalized this month.


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