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Repaving, Drainage Improvements on Tap for 42 Streets in Brick Township

Roadwork/paving. (Credit: Joe Green/ Flickr.)

Roadwork/paving. (Credit: Joe Green/ Flickr.)

Streets will be paved and drainage infrastructure improved in three Brick Township neighborhoods, consisting of 42 streets, with the township council having unanimously voted to solicit bids for the projects at their last meeting.

The three neighborhoods that will receive the improvements are Lakewood Gardens, Bay Harbor and Baywood West. The full details on the streets covered under each project are listed below. The council is seeking bids on each project, and is expected to award a contract to the lowest qualified bidder at a future council meeting.

Lakewood Gardens

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The Lakewood Gardens project includes repaving and improvements on Chestnut Avenue, Bradley Avenue, Walnut Avenue, Garden Avenue, Cherie Drive, Park Place, Melody Avenue, Green Avenue, Green Grove Road, Pleasant Avenue and Aspen Street.

Bay Harbor

The Bay Harbor project includes East Lane Road, Glen Road, Lime Road, Orange Road, Bimini Road, Appleton Road, Hemlock Road, Beaumont Drive, Clearwater Drive, Somerset Drive, Fountainbleau Drive, Claremont Drive, Sunnydale Drive, Brookfield Drive, Greenville Drive, Ardmore Drive, Lawndale Drive, Blue Cedar Drive, Acapulco Drive and Homewood Drive.

Baywood West

The Baywood West project includes Birch Drive, Glenn Drive, Maple Court, Spruce Court, Chestnut Court, Cedar Drive, Holly Court East, Pine Drive South, Bay Laurel Drive, Willetta Drive, Delmar Drive and Bonair Drive.

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