Fees for transient slips at Brick’s municipal marina, Traders Cove, will change for the 2024 season.
The township council last week unanimously approved a new fee schedule that will see boaters pay different rates to access the marina’s transient slips, though fees for other core services will remain the same.
Ramp fees will remain the same – $10 each way for residents and $20 each way for non-residents. Likewise, a season ramp pass will remain $150 for residents and $300 for non-residents. Fees are charged at the ramp from April 15 through Nov. 15 each year. Winter storage rates will also remain the same: $30 per foot for slip customers, $32 per foot for non-slip customers and trailer storage at $20 per foot.
Transient slips will now be divided into five length categories instead of four. The marina can accommodate boats up to 60-feet in length in its transient section. Boats up to 21-feet in length will pay $25 per night, up to 30 feet will cost $55 per night, up to 35 feet will cost $65 per night, up to 40 feet will cost $75 per night and any vessel above 40-feet will be charged $95 per night.
Though there is a waiting list, summer slip rental fees are $100 per foot and $800 for boaters who wish to have frog hooks at their slips. Slips under 9-feet in width cost $1,5o0 for the season. Jet-ski storage is $800 per dock, and “glide-on” ports are $1,000 per season.


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