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Brick Life

My Littlest Loves

My littlest, not so little, loves.

Justin, my first-born, my made-me-a-mom-grown-up son.

I love so many things about you.

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Your joy when you see a video you haven’t watched in years, and your need to share your elatedness with me.

The way you perform your tasks at your job with such seriousness, and take pride in your work.

Your easygoing nature, which makes everyone who works with you at your school glad you’re on their list.

The way, after a particularly challenging day for your mama, you curl into me on the couch and watch “Landslide” on YouTube, because you know I need a cuddle.

Draping your lanky frame over my short one on weekends, insisting I hold you much as I did when you were a baby, before you’ll get dressed.

Your courage in facing every day, in doing things that are often much harder for you than for others.

Your infectious smile.


My youngest miracle-at-just-shy-of-forty-baby, Zach.

I adore so many things about you too.

Your earnestness about everything you do, whether it be school, scouts, or your chores (most of the time).

Your ability to perceive people for who they are, and to find the good in them when at times that is difficult.

The way you mess with me sometimes, just because you’re a teenager, and you can.

Your inherent kindness.

The loyalty you demonstrate to friends.

The concern you show for Justin even when he occasionally impacts your life.

Your unique world view, which often makes me laugh.

Your passion for justice.

The two of you are my reason for getting up each morning.

You are, without doubt, the purpose of my life.

You have made me a better person.

I love you both with all of my heart, and all of my soul.


For more on my family visit my blog at

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