All posts tagged "Village Zone"
/ 6 hours agoNew Dunkin’ Donuts, Drive-Through Proposed Along Major Brick Road
A Dunkin’ Donuts franchise and associated drive-through lanes have been proposed for a vacant lot along Mantoloking Road, according to filings...
/ 3 weeks agoWarehouse Seeks Expansion on Drum Point Road
A warehouse building that once served as the distribution center for the Shore area clothing store chain B&B would be expanded...
/ 2 months agoJunkyard to ‘Flagship:’ Brick Approves Commercial, Residential Complex to Replace Welding Yard
Brick Township’s zoning board has approved a plan to construct a mixed use complex containing two commercial spaces and 18 residential...
/ 6 months agoNew Proposal Calls for 18-Unit Mixed Townhome Community to Replace ‘Junkyard’ in Brick
An updated proposal to develop a lot that currently serves as a scrapyard along a major Brick Township road with a...
/ 11 months agoOwner Will Try for New Plan to Develop Lot In Between Residential Streets in Brick
The owner of an oddly-shaped property who was unsuccessful in his bid to develop the parcel of land – which has...
/ 1 year agoMusic, Dance, Art Studio Complex Proposed for Former Boatyard in Brick
A prospective business owner is seeking to build a music, dance and arts studio in Brick Township, converting an existing vacant...
/ 2 years agoBrick Zoning Board Turns Down 175 Unit Self-Storage Facility That Would Split Neighborhood
The Brick Township Zoning Board of Adjustment on Wednesday night denied a property owner’s application to build a nine-structure, 175-unit complex...
/ 2 years agoDeveloper Tweaks Proposal for Self-Storage Facility on Drum Point Road
The would-be developer of a property off Drum Point Road that is seeking approval to build a self-storage facility in between...
/ 2 years agoBrick Zoning Board Turns Down Mixed-Use ‘Flagship’ Building, Junkyard to Remain
In a surprising outcome, the Brick Township zoning board statutorily denied the construction of a “flagship” high-end commercial and residential space,...
/ 2 years agoNeighboring Business Owner Objects to ‘Flagship’ Mixed-Use Complex in Brick
The owner of a shopping center across the street from a proposed mixed-use apartment and retail complex on Drum Point Road...