Brick Township High School students reverted back to an all-virtual school schedule this week following a rise in coronavirus cases, the district said.
Only Brick Township High School is currently affected by the change as coronavirus cases surge nationwide. This week, the Toms River Regional school district closed all of its buildings upon the recommendation of the Ocean County Health Department.
In a letter to parents by Principal William Kleissler, the closing of the school is a result of “reported and confirmed cases” of Covid-19. It is expected that students will return to a hybrid schedule Dec. 14. The district had hoped to return to full-length school days and in-person learning, however those plans were likely pushed back until 2021 for middle and high school students last week. The district did not share the number of cases that prompted the closure.
“This action is necessary due to the increased number of confirmed cases, data still outstanding, and the movement of the county to ‘High Risk’ status on the NJ COVID-19 Regional Risk Matrix,” the letter said.
Entrance to the BTHS building will be limited to staff members only, the district said.
During the closure, students who are not physically in school can pick up five days’ worth of meals on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or Fridays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Brick Memorial High School or Brick Township High School. These are the only two locations that these meals can be picked up for five days, according to the letter.
Any member of the school community, whether staff or student, who experiences any symptoms related to coronavirus infection are being urged to contact the school nurse and principal’s office.