/ 8 years agoGOP Primary Battle for Brick Mayor Kicks off Early
Less than 48 hours after candidates met deadlines to register to run for their parties' primaries this week, door-to-door glossy signs...
/ 8 years agoBrando to Challenge Ducey for Mayor; Council Candidates Announced
Former GOP Councilman Domenick Brando, a retired police officer who has been highly critical of the mayor’s policies, will challenge him to...
/ 8 years agoHearing on Route 88 Wawa, Commercial Complex Delayed Again
A hearing on a proposed Wawa and commercial complex near the corner of Route 88 and Jack Martin Boulevard in Brick...
/ 8 years agoBrick Woman, Famous for Bernie Sanders Tinder Controversy, Appointed to Housing Authority Board
The Brick woman who set off an Internet firestorm after she was kicked off the dating app Tinder for using the...
/ 8 years agoNor’Easter Damaged Brick Sea Wall Cap; Beach Entrances to be Restored for Summer
Mayor John Ducey said Brick will ask the state to provide sand that will be used to restore beach entrances rendered...
/ 8 years agoRestaurant at Traders Cove Marina Will Not be Built by Summer
Brick officials say a restaurant and bar planned for the Traders Cove Marina site will not be built by this summer,...
/ 8 years agoBrick Asks County to Install Left Turn Signal at Two Dangerous Intersections
Brick Township has made a request to Ocean County, asking officials to consider adding left turn signals to aid traffic at...
/ 8 years agoDENIED: Proposed Wawa, Restaurant for Route 70 Nixed by Brick Zoning Board
After more than three hours of testimony by residents – nearly all of whom were opposed to the construction of a...
/ 8 years agoBrick to Close Skateboard Park, Reopen at New Location
Skateboarders in Brick will soon be in for a treat, officials say...
/ 8 years agoRoute 88 Wawa Hearing Rescheduled to Late March
A hearing on a proposed Wawa near the corner of Route 88 and Jack Martin Boulevard in Brick has been rescheduled...