Boating & Fishing
/ 2 years agoRevised Brick Beach Buggy Ordinance Adopted Without Comment
Brick council members this week unanimously voted to adopt a new ordinance governing the use of beach buggies – four-wheel drive...
/ 2 years agoProposed Temple Parking Arrangement Presents ‘Conundrum’ for Brick Officials
After a marathon meeting of Brick Township’s zoning board that lasted nearly four hours Wednesday night, little was resolved to overcome...
/ 2 years agoBrick Passes Tax Exemption for Sports Dome, Some Residents Cry Foul
Brick Mayor John Ducey and several of his Democratic colleagues on the township council found themselves on the defensive at a...
/ 2 years agoCourt Action On Illegal ‘Dorm’ Near Proposed Religious School Delayed Again in Brick
More than a year after a Lakewood developer was charged with overcrowding a home on a residential street in Brick Township,...
/ 3 years agoDeveloper OK’d to Build Three Homes off Herbertsville Road
The Brick Township planning board has approved the construction of three homes adjacent to an existing residential street off Herbertsville Road....
/ 3 years agoBrick Denies Wawa, Panera New Access Driveway to Local Streets Following Outcry
The real estate corporation that owns a shopping plaza housing a Wawa convenience store and gas station, plus a Panera Bread...
/ 3 years agoBrick Introduces Ordinance to Curtail ‘Light Trespass’ Between Properties
With the proliferation of LED outdoor lighting systems that are both affordable and effective, disputes have broken out in cases where...
Boating & Fishing
/ 3 years agoBrick Preserves Beach Buggy Access, Securing Victory for Anglers
The Brick Township council this week landed a victory for recreational fishermen, re-introducing an ordinance that addresses concerns of the federal...
/ 3 years agoBrick Adding First Electric Vehicles to Its Fleet
Brick Township officials this week voted to purchase the first all-electric vehicles for its municipal fleet. As EVs grow in popularity,...
/ 3 years agoBrick to Grant 30-Year Tax Abatement to ‘Sports Dome’ Complex After Pullout Threat
Brick Township officials have taken the first step in approving a tax abatement for the sports dome complex under development at...