All posts tagged "Brick NJ News"
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoRoute 88 in Lakewood to Close for Three Days
Lakewood police said their portion of Route 88 will be closed for three days due to road construction...
/ 8 years agoBrick Awards $1.2M Contract to Renovate Hank Waltonowski Park
The long-awaited project to rebuild Hank Waltonowski Park, also known as Birchwood Park, is one step closer to getting underway...
/ 8 years agoIt’s Warm Outside, But Brick Looking to Update $1.3M Snow Removal Contract
As the Shore area gets its longest-yet taste of spring, Brick officials are thinking snow...
/ 8 years agoBrick Concerned Bail Reform Law Could Inflate Public Defender Costs
Brick officials say the state’s new bail reform law, which went into effect Jan. 1, could cost taxpayers due to higher...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoSubstance Abuse Summit to be Held at OCC
Ocean County College’s Governmental Affairs Institute will present a Substance Abuse Summit: "Prevention & Recovery," to help combat the area's drug...
School News
/ 8 years agoBrick School Redistricting Plan Could Affect Four Schools
Brick Township is considering redistricting – a term for changing the geographic boundary lines – of four schools within the township,...
Shore Environment
/ 8 years ago2017 Could Be a Bad Year for Ticks, County Warns
Ticks, the small insects that carry Lyme disease, are expected to be more prevalent in 2017, prompting Ocean County officials to...
School News
/ 8 years agoBrick School District Will Pay for Project Plans, But No Guarantee Projects Will Happen
Brick school board members voted to completely deplete a capital reserve account Thursday night to pay to plan for projects that...
/ 8 years agoGOP Primary Battle for Brick Mayor Kicks off Early
Less than 48 hours after candidates met deadlines to register to run for their parties' primaries this week, door-to-door glossy signs...
Ocean County
/ 8 years agoOcean County Reiterates Its Non-‘Sanctuary’ Status
Four months after Shorebeat first reported that the Ocean County Jail’s policy toward illegal immigrants is to comply with detainer orders...