All posts tagged "Noise Ordinance"
/ 7 years agoBrick Council to Vote on Noise Ordinance Suspension During Shopping Center Paving
The Brick Township council will meet Tuesday night. The governing body is expected to vote on whether to suspend the township’s...
/ 9 years agoBrick’s High School Bands Will Continue to Perform Free From Noise Complaints
The Brick Township council this week unanimously approved a resolution continuing relief from the township’s noise ordinance for the two high...
School News
/ 9 years agoWaiver of Noise Ordinance for Brick High School Bands Up for Renewal
After a statewide controversy broke out in 2014 when a resident whose home neighbors Brick Memorial High School called police to report...
/ 10 years agoContinuation of Noise Ordinance Suspension for Brick’s High School Bands Up for Vote
The Brick Township council this week will consider continuing its policy of excepting the marching bands at the township’s two high...
/ 11 years agoBrick Council to Consider Suspending Noise Ordinance for High School Bands
The Brick Township council will consider a resolution next week to suspend the township’s noise ordinance for both high school marching...