Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoWatch: Vivid Twilight on Barnegat Bay as 2022 Wanes (Plus The NYE Forecast)
Despite two days (so far) of highs reaching well above freezing – including hitting the 50-degree mark Thursday – ice still...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoWatch: Stunning Winter Scenes at Brick’s Forge Pond
With the recent deep-freeze beginning to thaw at the Jersey Shore, the icy water of Brick Township’s Forge Pond began to...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoUp Close: A Frozen Barnegat Bay; How Long Will Cold Snap Last?
Barnegat Bay, including portions close to the main navigational channel, have seen a layer of ice form over the Christmas holiday...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoWatch: A Frozen Bay in Brick on Christmas Eve
Temperatures bottomed out at 13 degrees overnight, at the time this article was published at about 3 a.m. Christmas morning. But...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoFrigid Temperatures Arrive at Shore in Time for Bone-Chilling Christmas
Within 30 minutes, just before sunset, puddles in the parking lot near Sunset Beach in Seaside Heights literally – before one’s...
/ 2 years agoOcean County Commissioners Approve Purchase of 4-Acre Brick Property for Preservation
A parcel of land in Brick Township measuring more than four acres in area will be permanently preserved following a vote...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoWinter Arrives With Sunset, But Major Storm on the Way Before 40-Degree Temp Drop Expected
Forecasters are not predicting a white Christmas for the Shore area, however a major storm system on its way to the...
Boating & Fishing
/ 2 years agoDEP: Wind-Power Lines Buried Under Island Beach State Park Will NOT Block Tices Shoal Access
Public concern over a reduction in public access to Island Beach State Park – centered on the popular Tices Shoal anchorage...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoWatch: Nor’Easter Already Eroding Beaches, Creating Heavy Surf
A coastal storm began affecting Ocean County beaches in earnest during the late afternoon hours Thursday, as winds increased significantly after...
Shore Environment
/ 2 years agoNor’Easter Expected Thursday, Friday: No Snow for Shore, But 1-2 Inches of Rain and High Winds
Forecasters are expecting a coastal storm to roll through the Jersey Shore region Thursday and Friday of this week...